Dear All Clients, Our headquarter office will be closed from 19th of Jan. to 28th of Jan. in observance of the Chinese New Year holidays and resume normal business operation on 29th of Jan. (Sunday). We thank you for your support in the past and so grateful that you're with us. GREENTOUR tyres wishes you have an auspicious Year of the Rabbit! Best Regards Bensen Welcome to inquiry, first come, first served! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Location : Tangshan Town, Huantai County, Zibo City Shandong Province, China. For inquiry please Pm, Call or Text ; #2023 #newyear #greentourtyre #greentourtire #greentourtyres #greentourtires #greentourtyres #greentourtires #tbrtire #tbrtires #trucktire #turcktires #chinesetires #tiremanufactures #mrftyre #triangletyre #bototyre #longmarchtyre #westlaketyre #linglongtyre #doublecointyre #hankooktyre #kumkotyre #tires #tyre #tire #china #factory #إطار العجلة #Reifen #tayar #шина #타이어 #タイヤ #Neumático #إطار العجلة #საბურავები

Теги других блогов: Chinese New Year GREENTOUR Tyres Holiday Notice